Fuji 2803-G-XPC Mini-Mite 3 HVLP Spray System with Gravity Gun Review

Fuji 2803-G-XPC Mini-Mite 3 HVLP Spray System with Gravity Gun Feature
- Professional spray gun now features pattern control knob to adjust size of fan pattern from small to large
- Professional Spray gun has 100 percent stainless steel fluid components, ergonomic handle is insulated – never gets hot.
- Non-bleed spray gun for less blowing around of shop dust
- High-efficiency air cap installed for reduced overspray
- 25ft hose includes air control valve to reduce overspray and bounce back
The Mini-Mite 3 system with gravity gun includes all the same features as the Mini-Mite 3 model but with the addition of some patented noise reduction. Please note that this system includes the 9600-G XPC cup gravity spray gun that features a pattern control knob to adjust the fan size from small round to large and everything in between (Fully incremental). The size of the gravity cup is 400cc (.85 pint). The noise level is in between that of the MM3 and Q3. An economical way to own a quieter HVLP system. Fuji installs the same powerful 3-stage turbine motor as used in the MM3 and Q3 models. The Super 3 turbine develops approximately 6psi. This is more than enough pressure to spray all known coatings (When properly thinned) and all the newer water-based coatings. The standard air cap set is the general purpose #4 for fine finishing.
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